The Inside Scoop

Insights on how to work the health care system and be a more savvy shopper.

Things to know

Are you sure you're following your doctor's orders?

Using meds correctly means you:

  • Fill your prescription
  • Take your meds on time
  • Follow directions
  • Finish the prescription
  • And avoid:
  • More doctor/hospital visits
  • More treatments
  • Possible treatment failure
Be Ready
Get the meds you need. When you need them. As cheaply as possible.

Make your money go further:

  • Go for 90-day prescription instead of a 30-day
  • Ask for a generic
  • Confirm your medication is on your insurance carrier's "formulary"
  • Pay with tax-free money, like an HSA or FSA
  • Consider a medical plan with prescription drug copays
Get Organized
Take your medicine as prescribed.

Stay on top of things:

  • Finish the entire prescription
  • Use a seven-day pillbox
  • Set up mail-order service for 90-day prescriptions
  • Sign up for multi-dose packages at your pharmacy (if available) to get all your meds organized by date and time
  • Set an alarm
  • Know what to do if you miss a dose
  • Set up automatic refills with your pharmacy
Keep Watch
Monitor your progress and any side effects.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist about:

  • Potential side effects
  • Which side effects require immediate attention
  • Possible problems with other drugs and supplements you use
  • Any unexpected symptoms ASAP
  • Switching drugs if you need to—don’t just stop!

Benefits and services available may vary from plan to plan—please refer to your plan’s Summary Plan Description for exact coverage details. Check with your insurance carrier for details of coverage offered under your plan. The information presented in this article is for informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice.

© 2024 Aon plc. All rights reserved.

Tags: doctor’s, drugs, medicine, orders, organization, prescription, prescriptions

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